Saturday, April 12, 2014

How to Become a Genius By @MrBigtimi

First of all, begin to see the things everyone has seen but think like no one has thought.

To be a Genius is to seamlessly create value!


EFFORTLESSNESS: Genius is about making what everyone finds difficult seem effortless with you. The greatest USP of God is the story of how the world was created in 7 days, just 7 days (on purpose, there was no details of "how" given). You are a genius, always deliver, but don't let them see the efforts, just the results.

CREATIVITY: Don't try to be great, try to be different. And then become great at the difference!

Think out of the box, as a matter of fact, think like there's no box!

INNOVATION: People always ask, "what is the difference between creativity and innovation". Well to me, innovation is the application of creativity. Creativity is nothing except you can Process your Thoughts to a Finished and Useful Product. Only at that point can they see your genius!

KNOWLEDGE: Be a repository of wisdom. Like the Oracle of Delphi, be the go-to place for those who seek to know how.

LEADERSHIP: You are a genius, meaning that your team, the world and idea looks up to you. Don't let them down. Be a leader. strangely, geniuses work better alone but like a true leader, carry people along. Influence, motivate and drive focus through enlightened action.

BRAND: Create a brand. Create, define and be consistent with the type and perceptions you want. Define your brand by the benefits, experience and feeling it offers rather than the functional description of what you do.

By Bello Timilehin Bigtimi

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