Conzuma is a talented artist, sings with a mix of hip-afro and he has recorded two (2) singles. When you listen to conzuma, it gives you a soothing pleasure because you tend to identify who he really sounds like.
He just released another single titled "YORUBAFA". What does it really mean?
Listen to the song and give a feedback and what it means to you, Am sure You'd love it.
Enjoy Conzuma's Yorubafa.
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Dee guy ЂåS̤̈̊ reali tried,talents abound I̶̲̅n dis country,dere is a nigeria guy making waves I̶̲̅n cotonou benin republic...Soul Chris....yaw let try †o help dis guy,so dat his talent Wȋ̝̊̅ ̄ι̥ι̥ NÖ̤̣̇τ̩̩ die....thanks everyone .... U̲̅ can get him tru 08030804098,2211937D