
Sunday, April 27, 2014

Opinion: Do you think Pres. Jonathan should resign because of Nigeria Problems just as South Korea PM did?

In the news yesterday it was said that South Korea Prime Minister Chung Hong-won, the No. 2 official in the South Korean government, apologized and offered to resign on Sunday, as the country remained angry and saddened over the sinking of a ferry that left 302 people, a vast majority of them high school students, dead or missing.

Back to our country, Nigeria, We have lot of problems troubling the nation like Electricity, Corruption, Boko Haram, School Girls abduction, Huge Fuel Price, Bomb Attack, unemployment etc.

Now my question is: Can President GoodLuck Ebele Jonathan do this also?

Would he want to quit before his 1st tenure ends?

Would he still want to contest for presidency in 2015 after all these problems?


  1. Power hungry people , even if God appears to tell him that he will not resign.

  2. Resign for who? If only some of you will do your checks well you will know that Boko haram did not start today neither did it start with GEJ's regime.GEJ will not resign because of power hunger of the Northern elements..Nigerians have obligation to let every northern politician know they can only get power back through election and not through the back door by using their side army called Boko haram..Boko haram is a sabotage by the Northerners take it or leave it..Nigerian Muslim clerics living in the border towns of Cameroon and Nigeria are recruiting Boko Haram members in their mosques”- GOVERNMENT OF THE CAMEROONS.


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