
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

We Want Military Task Force--- Church in Kaduna cries out...

TO prevent further attacks on worshippers, the
pastor of Godiya Baptist Church, Kaduna, Reverend
Yunana Gofwan, has appealed to the state
government to establish a military task force in the

The cleric told journalists in Kaduna, on Tuesday,
that worshippers in the church were shot by
unknown gunmen at the weekend, though no one
had died.

He said establishment of a military task force in the
area would help curb persistent attacks on
worshippers in the Malali area of the state.

"Lack of cogent security in the area to counter any
breakdown of law and order is dangerous. The
Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) of Malali
zone, which I chair, has brought to the attention of
the Kaduna State government, the urgent need of
siting military base in our area," he said.

Two worshippers, he said, were still on admission at
Garkuwa Hospital, after Friday night attack, while
Governor Mukhtar Ramalan Yero had visited them in
the hospital and commiserated with the church over
the incident.

"That night we had a band programme and it was
successful. When worshippers were going out after
the service, some unknown gunmen just appeared
and opened fire on my members.

"Our church's watchmen screamed and told
members to lay on the ground. When they noticed
he was screaming, they opened fire on them also.
"Luckily for us, no one died, but many survived with
gun wounds and they are now receiving medical
attention in hospital," he said.

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