
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Fuel shortage may worsen as Capital Oil shuts down

Capital Oil and Gas Limited says it has given heed to the court order shutting its operations but warned that the development could further cripple the supply of petrol in the country.

Mr. Ifeanyi Ubah, the embattled Managing Director of the company, in a statement, nevertheless alerted to what he claimed as an unfolding conspiracy to take over the company. The statement regretted that those who want to take over Capital Oil were unwittingly succeeding through the help of their friends in government.

The firm, owned by Ubah, according to industry sources, accounts for an estimated 35% of daily petroleum products distribution in the country. The assertions by the company is coming against the insinuation that recent actions taken against the company were aimed at both crippling the competitive edge of the company in the market place and aborting alleged moves by Ubah to contest the 2014 gubernatorial election in Anambra State.

Ubah and his Capital Oil Company are presently dogged in battle over alleged indebtedness of the company to another firm. The company is also allegedly exposed to some Nigerian banks, a development that led to the court order obtained by the Assets Management Company of Nigeria , AMCON, freezing the company’s operations.

1 comment:

  1. Ifeanyi Uba is a thief and a fraudster. He has been defrauding Nigeria by collecting subsidy money when he did not import any fuel into Nigeria. He has defraud many Nigerians and banks. He is owing so many Banks in Nigeria that all Nigerian Banks now know him as a fraudster and wouldn't do any business with him. He even defrauded his elder brother who wanted to help him; Mr. Maduka Coscharis Motors.
    So, he should stop deceiving Nigerians by saying that because he want to contest election, opponents have conspired to take over his company.
    People he defraud and owes money have gone to court to seize his company to recover their money. Let him tell Nigeria that he does not owe Union Bank, Access Bank, Coscharis Company or Mr. Maduka, etc. He is only saying that seizing his company by conspired people will cause shortage of petrol, in order to buy cheap public sentiments. Ifeanyi Uba is the major cause of the Petrol problems Nigeria is having today. He collects money to import Petrol only to forge documents that he has imported the petrol which he did not, and goes further to collect subsidy from Nigerian Govt with the forged documents. Nigeria Government will lose money to him and Nigerians will not have petrol because he never imported any.
    Ifeanyi Uba is one man in Nigeria that does not deserve to be walking on Nigerian streets freely because he has killed our economy. He ought to be in prison. He is an economic sabotage. Our law is truly an ass which has been giving him freedom.
    Ikenna I.K.G.


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