
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Liars wrecked my marriage –Chris Okotie’s wife

Pastor, Household of God Church, Rev. Chris Okotie
Estranged wife of Chris Okotie, Stephanie, tells the story of their collapsed marriage in soulful posts on her Facebook page, writes JAYNE AUGOYE
For the first time since June 24 when the pastor of the Lagos-based Household of God, Rev. Chris Okotie, announced his separation from his spouse of four years, Stephanie Henshaw, the latter has taken to Facebook to tell her story.
Writing on her Facebook account (Stephanie Adie Henshaw), which appeared to have been opened a few days after the separation, she indicated that the separation was not her initiative.
The initial information posted on Sunday read, “Today makes it three weeks I was asked for a separation and a week and four days I packed out. Romans 8:28: ‘All things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them. I am as shocked as most people are, as there has not been an argument in my home. In over a year we have been as happy as everybody thought we were. I wait because I know in time God will make known what has gone wrong.”
In other postings, Henshaw, who has reverted to her maiden name, disclosed that she had known her ex husband for almost two decades.
“Twenty years I have known a man, 15 years we have been the closest friends. I prepared all his meals for 10 years, including the four years we were married. The day I was asked to leave I prepared his meal, served it and I left. For the four years he never fell ill but today I am called all sorts of names -’ ‘witch’, and ‘mermaid spirit.’ I have served Jesus with clean hands and a clean heart. I have loved all that have come my way and if I do not live through this pain and hurt as sure as Jesus lives my children will see my vindication.”
Speaking through various other posts, an obviously aggrieved Henshaw, also gave hints that she was implicated and falsely accused by ‘certain church members’.
“Lies, not from the world but the church; accusations not from the world, but the church. Where are the spirit filled Christians, the ones who fear and hear the Lord. My husband loves and adores me; he is not the one saying these things, the enemies from within who hate me. They hate the grace God showed me. They hate the mercy God has had on me. So, they come up with all kinds of lies. My going can bring one Mrs. Okotie, but what happens to the rest of you? You bring shame to the body of Christ out of your jealousy and selfish desire and in the process expose your pastor. The work he has to do cost Jesus his life, don’t joke with it. Our friendship is not based on marriage. You manipulate things at the expense of God’s work and name. It is not about me. It has never been: it is about the will of God.’’
In another post, Henshaw, who hails from Cross River State, prays for a vindication.
She cries, “Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy! I look to you for protection. I will hide beneath the shadow of your wing until the danger passes by. Vindicate me, Lord. All things are open before you, righteous judge. I remain still, speak on my behalf. I submitted to the end. I did all I was asked to do, Lord. I left that home blameless before you. I have loved but have not been loved. I have given and not received; but that is contrary to your word, Lord. So, today I ask your word be made manifest in my life.”


  1. Hmmm...Eaya!!! Only she, her husband and God know the truth.

  2. How authentic is her Facebook handle??yaw dσи't use yoursef as instrument of scammers...lols

  3. How re we sure she is the one writing all these, let her grant a life interview to clarify things. They have brought shame to the body of Christ.

  4. what exactly did pastor accuse her of?

  5. If all what she said is true let God nindicate her as she had said, we can not jugde her.

  6. In the Last Days, these are the kind of stories we'll be hearing

  7. I dont know if she wrote this or not but i know that a majority of these pastors and church workers and preachers are NOT who they POSE to be. They preach one thing and do their dirty work behind the scene.
    If this is really from the woman, then she is either in serious pain OR she is crying crocodile tears. Time will reveal.


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